BRAOU Assignment for M.B.A I Year 2-Semester 2022

BRAOU Assignment for M.B.A I Year 2-Semester 2022
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We are enclosing two assignments in each course, for all the six courses of Second Semester of first year MBA Programme (2021-22 and earlier batches). Please note the following points while answering these assignments:

1. :ULWLQJ DQG VXEPLWWLQJ WKHVH JLYHQ µ$VVLJQPHQWV¶ DUH FRPSXOVRU\ IRU WKH VWXGHQWV RI MBA Programme. They have a weightage of 30% in each course.

2. You have to submit both the assignments compulsorily. You will not be allowed to appear for the year-end examinations of any course, unless you submit the specified number of assignments in time, for that course.

3. Each assignment carries a maximum of 15 marks and you have to score a minimum of 40% marks, i.e., 6 out of 15, to qualify in that assignment. If you fail to score the minimum marks in any assignment, you have to necessarily resubmit that particular uncleared assignment along with the regular/current batch. Repetition of the same assignment will in no case be allowed.

4. The maximum marks for each course at the semester-end examination are 70 and you have to score a minimum of 40% marks, i.e., 28 out of 70 marks.

5. Division will be awarded on the basis of the aggregate marks obtained in assignments as well as in the semester-end examinations.


  • 2022_PG_01_1Year_0_Assignments__12-12-2022-MBAIYR2ndSEM2021-22BATCH&earlierbatches.pdf
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