university updates jntuh

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    JNTUH B.Tech 3-1, 3-2 Semester Examinations Results - March 2024

    JNTUH B.Tech 3-1, 3-2 Semester (R18, R16, R15, R13) Regular/Supplementary Examinations Results - March 2024 JNTUH Instant Updates/Alerts - Android App | WhatsApp Channel | Telegram Channel | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Support Us JNTUH B.Tech 3-1, 3-2 Semester (R18, R16, R15, R13)...
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    JNTUH B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 4-2 Semester examinations - Exam centres nearest to hometown of students

    JNTUH All the Principals of colleges offering IV year B.Tech./ B.Pharm courses are informed to note that the University is exploring feasibility to conduct the IV-II semester examinations of B.Tech./ B.Pharm. courses to the students in conventional (off-line) mode at the centres which are near...
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    JNTUH Revised B.Tech 4-2 Time Table September 2020

    JNTUH B.Tech 4-2 Sem (R16) Regular Exams Time Table - September 2020 R16-Forenoon | R16-Afternoon JNTUH B.Tech 4-2 Sem (R15) Supplementary Exams Time Table - September 2020 R15-Forenoon | R15-Afternoon JNTUH B.Tech 4-2 Sem (R13) Supplementary Exams Time Table - September 2020 R13-Forenoon...
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    JNTUH B.Tech / B.Pharmacy Exams Scheduled on 6th,10th,14th,23rd May 2019 Are Postponed & Rescheduled

    As a regular procedure, the data has been sent for the preprinted answer booklets, to the printing press immediately after the closure of registrations. As the dates of elections of MPTC and ZPTC are announced recently and as per the directions, there will be no University exams on all three...